Luann believed her divorce provided her with new independence for herself and her children. It also cast her into the raging sea of financial responsibilities that immediately lowered her standard of living. The life raft– her former husband, the successful corporate executive– was no longer deployed. Believing her choices to be limited and not knowing how long she could “tread water”, she became increasingly depressed.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o /> Phil is one of many victims of the Reagan era’s “false prosperity.” During the decade of the ’80s, he lived on “plastic”, charging everything imaginable…and then some to his business. Now the financial flexibility he once enjoyed has stiffened in today’s austere economy: The “Devil” has come to collect on his debts; and cast Phil adrift.
Marla felt angry, cheated when she considered how income tax payments might drain her of the funds needed to replace her inoperable car. How would she get to work? Shop and take care of her children’s needs?
Some individuals merely become anxious over financial matters. You know, moist, cold hands; gastric distress, irritability, difficulty sleeping. Others would welcome this response in place of the devastating panic which ensues! For the latter, there is no hope for change; today is simply yesterday’s empty tomorrow. There is no motivation to do anything but “tread water.” The repeated thoughts and fears of not being able to fulfill a financial obligation or afford something deemed important can generate feelings of hopelessness; as if your life is on “hold”– an emotional standstill! Your ship not only failed to “come in”, it sunk. And you are adrift in the water with no rescue in sight. Before you drown in a sea of panic, consider new ways of bailing out. If only you had some answers…
Did you ever try to find something…that was there all the time, but you failed to recognize it? Remember a beautiful song you heard on the radio that was from a movie; but you don’t recall having heard it during the movie…because there was so much else going on then. Or the time you looked for something all night that was misplaced in your home, and failed to find it; and the next morning it was right there, waiting to be found! As your state of consciousness changes, so does the manner in which you organize your experiences. While you are treading water, consider that you have misplaced your financial security and need to re-establish it. Begin by seriously examining your attitudes toward money. What does it mean to you? Quickly write down three things all beginning with the words, “Money means…”
Luann’s list might have looked like this: “Money means, security, status, com-fort.”
The next step in assessing attitudes toward money is to write down as many things as possible that you would like to have or do if you could afford them (i.e., luxury items). For Luann, the list would likely have included: renovations on her home, a new BMW, and a retirement account large enough to support an entire home of senior citizens. Notice that these specific items all relate to her evaluation of money as representing security, status and comfort.
At this point, list the recurrent expenses you have and the items you find necessary for your lifestyle. This, too, somewhat reflects your attitude towards money. You might be surprised by some of the things on your list; as well as those you delete!
After examining these issues, and listing necessary verses luxury items, consider all your sources of income and derive a total figure of available funds. Allocate, preferably on a monthly basis, cash for purchasing as many of each type of item as is reasonable, recognizing, of course, that recurrent bills should be paid first and foremost as “necessary items.” Keep written records, including: Lists of desired items, total available cash for spending and purchases. In this manner, you are creating a structure for monitoring your finances that can keep your ship afloat through a system of organization and accountability. Clarifying money attitudes, needs; and your available funds and expenditures, you may discover to your delight that its possible to “streamline” what is available in your favor! Thus, during the raging financial storms of our time, you can use your resources to find security and shelter…and misplaced peace of mind.