This pattern that scientists refer to as, “chaotic” is also present in trees, clouds—and college marching bands! The formation is orderly in nature, yet embedded within is disorder that itself is purposeful and therefore, orderly. As the Ohio State marching band spells, “Ohio” in script, one member purposely breaks the formation to become the dot on the “i.” My alma Mater is Michigan State, whose band is called, “patterns in motion.” Sometimes the very motion of individual members seems out of synch, only to then form a larger whole that is immediately apparent!
Noticing the precision of nature is an aesthetic experience. “Aesthetic”, not in terms of beauty, but in reference to the involvement of your senses—in some cases, all of them! It begins with training yourself to become aware of what is there—what’s “possible”, in contrast with what is missing or problematic.
Nature’s harmony is ever-present; so much that it often goes unnoticed. So ubiquitous it appears invisible to us much of the time! And so is the pattern of human awareness: what works in one’s life is appreciated either in retrospect or in its absence. People—especially those who often experience distress of one type or another—typically place their attention on the things that are missing or observed to not be working. And so… the harmony, though present, plays to a deaf audience
The harmony that is well-being within the body is typically unnoticed. When was the last time your lack of a headache made “front-page news” for your cerebral cortex? In contrast, worry, tension, depression and fear wake people into awareness of the very things they would like to forget. And the first place this “awareness” shows up is in the body.
Moshe Feldenkrais was among those notables who demonstrated the important relationship between movement and thought. In the process, he helped countless individuals become more flexible both in the way they moved through the world and choices they made in their lives. People who study yoga and martial arts similarly move with increased grace and flexibility and exhibit those qualities in the choices they make.
One of the more inflexible patterns we humans exhibit in relation to the rest of the Animal Kingdom is that we typically place our attention where we want it the least. Our perceptions are often in relation to what we do not want to be “true” in our lives. And so a couple in the heat of discussion will each notice the points of dissention made by the other; a teacher will too often notice (and pay public attention to) the student who has failed to complete his homework or is not paying attention. Perhaps you are a corporate executive responsible for presenting information to your peers and are consumed with thoughts of being received poorly, or upon waking you may be someone who can recite—chapter and verse—all the things that will go wrong today. Whatever the situation, this way of being is a highly-ordered pattern that is harmonious in a pernicious way.
Where you place your attention is where you will get your result! All things considered, it is better to train your self to place your attention where you want it the most—not the least. Learning to do this is about shutting down the “noise”—the negative internal dialogue to which you awaken, informing you of the drudgery ahead.
• When you awaken, immediately go silent—completely and utterly…silent. Shut down all the noise inside until there is only the roaring thunder of silence itself; and pay attention to your breathing.
• Get out of bed, either open a window and sit by it, or go out on a deck/terrace and remain there for about five minutes. Let your senses absorb the morning.
• As you do, begin stretching, then slowly walk within a small defined area noticing the sights, scents, sounds—and feelings of your surroundings.
• Describe to yourself what you’ve observed about this experience that in any way added to your awareness. And finally…
• Tell yourself at least three things you will accomplish before day’s end that will bring you peace and joy.
In time, you may awaken, to your surprise and delight, utterly silent. That silence can be sweet music to your ears. The opening to the impossible becoming present; an en-trance… to an epiphany!