In an age where we are constantly bombarded by advertisements for products we didn’t ask to choose, but that leave us feeling confused and uncertain, it is once again time for that litany of “back-biting” unsolicited ads leading up to mid-term elections. Essentially, all those ads boil down to a choice: the (blue) donkey or the (red) elephant. Pick your animal! In fact, one would think a red herring is the animal being offered based on the way many of the election campaigns have been run. In case you have missed it, there has been a dramatic increase in mud-slinging TV ads of late, in which someone accuses his or her opponent in the forthcoming election of failing to live up to previous election promises or of simply doing a poor job at his job. The object of all this advertising, of course is to get your vote so someone can either keep his job or acquire one (even though you may have lost yours during the recession). And to do this, it is presupposed that you will be able to make a decision in a particular candidate’s favor.

The slings and arrows of advertising underlying your choices boil down to this argument: Republicans charge that our current Democratic President, Obama, spends wastefully and governs excessively. And the Democrats counter by warning that to return power to Republicans would embolden corporations and the wealthy leading to disastrous results for middle-class Americans.

So who’s right? How do you know who to choose? How do you go about making a good decision?

There isn’t enough time before this year’s elections to go out and purchase my book, “Decisions, Decisions…” Contained within are some potent, useful and unconventional strategies for learning to make good decisions. Given this limitation, however, you might step back and look at the big picture here. For the various party candidates, the election process somewhat resembles a war room: There are maps indicating in different colors (red and blue most prominently) how distinctive municipalities feel about issues and are likely to vote; there are brainstorming sessions with campaign teams and managers, advertisers, other fellow politicians of the same political orientation regarding how to promote a particular strategy while punching holes in that of someone’s opponent.

Now the important point here is that all of this strategy and grandstanding is designed to promote a party position that will influence your decision. So which party position is the ‘right’ one for you? How do you decide who to vote for if you are confused (and perhaps fed up to the point of being indifferent)?

Begin by forgetting all those TV ads, stepping back, taking a deep breath and recalling something that fascinates you; something in which you excel (that has nothing to do with this election). Perhaps there is a time in your life when you achieved something you valued highly. Pay attention to your posture and breathing while doing this. Notice your system coming to rest, a peaceful, quiet place… Now consider this question: If you were running for office, which — if any– of the values espoused by a particular candidate in his ads would you embrace and put into practice? Then ask yourself, “Does voting for a particular individual allow me to retain this peaceful physical state inside around that decision?” If yes, go out and vote for him. If not, don’t. Regardless what you choose in relation to this term’s election, go get my book. You will learn to make useful decisions in the long term.

