What Our Clients Say

Comments from former clients who presented a variety of limitations and achieved lasting and rewarding changes.


Sometimes it’s difficult to change your thinking. I conditioned myself to get through each day. The conditioning could be good for me, like exercising, meditating, and eating right or it could be bad for me, like drinking alcohol, overeating, and any number of other vices. The bad or the good decision can happen automatically with no awareness involved. Being self-aware is what Randy Green helped me with. What would I be like if? (Insert thought or dream here) now focus on the fact that that thought or dream has happened. How does it feel? Sounds crazy but it is a powerful tool to work with.

Randy green has helped me through a difficult time. The perspective he lends to a patient is solution based and I like that. I feel better. Randy helped me focus on my foundation. I now feel better equipped to handle my next challenge.

I highly recommend Randy Green


Peter D.

Poughkeepsie N.Y.


Dear Dr. Green,

I came to Creative Solutions seeking a way to quell ancient anger issues. Instead, you showed me a way that went well beyond that- 
I learned to still that internal dialogue and in the process, came to a position of clarity. I’m at peace and the relationship with my wife 
has turned around completely. Physically, I’ve lost 45 pounds since having begun working with you. 
I can’t possibly express my thanks enough.

– Sincerely, J.M.


Dear Dr. Green,

I have for many years felt unable to absorb all that was possible from my conversations and interactions- and in sports, I was so lost in 
thought that I was not performing up to potential. You really helped me learn to access and hold what it means to be “at my best and 
being relaxed—what you called, centered.” I stopped thinking so much, learned to let go and just “be.” Almost immediately I began to 
see and feel a difference in my professional and recreational life. I would recommend you to anyone that really wants to function at their peak.



I started to see Dr. Green to work on one behavior of mine which was, to put it simply, not working.  Within four months, I completely transformed not only what I had hoped to, but incredibly, every aspect of my life has been positively affected…my relationship with my husband, my influence on my children, my physical health as well as my appearance.  It sounds unbelievable, even to me, but it feels as if the old me never existed.   Dr. Green’s approach is like none I have ever experienced…and in thirty years I have tried social workers, psychiatrists, in-patient, out-patient, you name it.  Words can scarcely describe how entirely and eternally grateful I am to have found him and his different, refreshing- EFFECTIVE- methods for truly helping people achieve a greater self.


H Smith


Dear Dr. Green,

I came to you depressed and defeated…you gave me the tools to change all this and so much more! I believe that I am wiser and stronger… 
I move forward with grace and purpose, experiencing a life that is more powerful and satisfying than any I had imagined!

–Sincerely, JTM


Dear Dr. Green,

I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me…. You have given me back my life.  When I first came to your office I had anxiety about everything and I had it for years.  It affected every aspect of my life, from my personal life to my professional life. 

All it took was a few short months of seeing you once a week and the anxiety is gone –  without medication!!  I joined a bowling league, I am getting out and seeing old friends and meeting new friends.  All without anxiety.   

Thank you again for everything.  I will be sure to recommend you to all my friends and family.


T. Carey


At the age of 57, I developed a driving phobia. Not only could I barely drive locally, I was frightened as a passenger in an automobile.  I tried hypnosis to no avail.  I went to Dr. Green and the methods he used were very unique –I can’t even describe what happened, but after 4 visists, I was cured 100%.  I am now driving normally and even my OCD and general anxiety are gone!  Many thanks Dr. Green. 

Sheila M.


Dr. Green,

I’d like to say thank you for enlightening me, imparting your knowledge and giving me the tools to live in INTENT. With dedication, the transformation surfaced and remains.  My experience has been life changing.
